Friday, February 17, 2017

Week of February 13, 2017

We've had a great week learning about and pretending to be community helpers!

We cut letter "V" vases.

Everyone loves to play with the play dough.

We cut stems.

We place the missing letters where they go.

We put flowers on our stems.

The new marble tower is a BIG hit!

Our lovely letter "V" vases.

We wrote and said letter "V" words.

We LOVE GoNoodle!

We cut out the letter "V".

We painted the letter "V" red.

We used our fine motor skills to put balls in tubes.


Our letter "V" words.

This is the bulletin board in our Home Center.


  1. Bunch of happy campers, I mean community helpers, here!
    Wonderful post, Kali!

    1. Thanks, Chris! We have so much fun! They're a great bunch of kiddos!

  2. Just melts my heart! All of the kiddos!

    1. Their fun level was off the charts this week! And we teachers had a blast, too!
