Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Letter T, Turkeys, and More!

We're off to a great start this week!

Scooping and pouring is still so much fun!

We're learning about the letter "T" this week.
We played with trucks in a tiny town!

We cut a big circle and a little circle.
We glued the little circle on the big circle.
We're creating turkeys!  Keep watching to see how they turn out!

We put a truck puzzle together.

We built tiny towers out of cubes and put turtles on top!

Puzzle finished!!!

Everyone loved creating tiny towers for the turtles!

We added features to our turkeys!  
We cut out triangle beaks.
We drew eyes and a waddle.

We love playing music together!

We completed an alphabet train puzzle!

Creation Station is always so much fun!

We worked with our Pre-K friends to create a nest.  
We carried a lot of dry grass to the bottom of a tree.
And then a bird sat on the nest!!  
A happy bird, not an "angry" bird, of course.

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