Friday, October 2, 2015

Mat Man and Self Portraits

Welcome to my first blog post of the 2015-2016 school year! This one is bare bones as I'm juggling working with kids and photographing what we're up to, but I hope to increase what I capture to include children working (their work at school is play based). Here are a couple of things we've been working on this week.

This is Mat Man. He's part of the Handwriting Without
Tears program that we do. His parts (the curved and
straight lines) are the same lines that make up all of
the capital letters. He's a great guy! We love him!

And these are our self portraits. I don't have blog consent forms from everyone yet, so I'm only posting the ones for which I do. Aren't they wonderful? We learned about top, middle, and bottom. We also learned about different parts of our bodies. When we created the faces we compared the color of the paper to the color of our arms. It's so wonderful that we all come in different colors!

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