Friday, October 16, 2015

Letter "P", the Square Shape, the Color Orange, and More

We've had a great week full of fun and learning!

Learning about Mat Man helps us learn to draw
a person with all their basic parts. "It's me!"

We are learning about the square shape. It has
four equal sides and four corners. We cut out
square shapes and painted them orange.

We built structures in the Toy Center.

Finger painting is always fabulous!

We practiced writing the letter "P".

Mat Man again! He's such a great guy and
such a big help when we're drawing!

We love reading!

Building structures is something we do every day.

We glued different sizes and colors of squares
on the big orange square we created. Check out
our "Squares on Squares" on the hallway bulletin board.

We work in our journals every morning.

It's fun to make music with friends.

Music is a big part of every day.

We created robots out of square shapes. We talked about
the parts of his body and we talked about their position.
Check out all of our robots on the hallway bulletin board.


We're creating a storybook pumpkin. Our pumpkin will
be the little pig who lives in a stick house, the one from
"The Three Little Pigs". We painted a layer of white first.

Next week we'll paint it pink, add pig features,
and create his stick house.

We made handprints with the leftover white
paint on our hands. These will become ghosts.

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